Summer Seeds – Week 2 – Lymphatic Flow: Embrace Fluidity

Fluidity – Intuitive Movements

Welcome to Week 2 of our Summer Seeds Space! This week, we’re focusing on the lymphatic system and the importance of fluidity in our movements to open spaces within our bodies and our lives.

I invite you to integrate undulating, fluid movements like waves and allow your body to guide you to turn and roll—be creative. Also, add tapping and small jumps to stimulate lymphatic flow. These movements bring joy and a sense of lightness and release.

Introducing intuitive fluidity into your movements and daily routine can help release blockages. Allowing yourself to flow through spaces within your body helps to untangle the knots of the lymphatic system, creating a flow and letting yourself be carried by it.

How does your body feel after incorporating these fluid movements?

What are your favorite ways to support your lymphatic system?

Are you drinking enough water these days?

Ayurveda & the Lymphatic System


In Ayurveda, the lymphatic system is essential for eliminating toxins and maintaining the body’s balance. It is connected to the Kapha dosha, which governs bodily fluids and stability.

To Support Your Lymphatic System:

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water. Ayurveda recommends 2 liters of water per day. Preferably warm or hot water for Kapha & Vata, and room temperature for Pitta. In summer, the Pitta dosha is more present, so also consider adding watermelon and cucumber juices to cool down. Herbal teas with coriander seeds and ginger are also great for cleansing your body.
  • Eat Healthy Foods: Favor green vegetables, ginger, and garlic.
  • Massage Your Body: Use the Udvartanam technique with herbal powders to stimulate lymphatic circulation, or dry brushing with a glove.
  • Move Regularly: Fluid movements and gentle exercises like yoga help maintain lymphatic flow, along with a series of about 100 small jumps daily, followed by gentle movements to return to your breath.
  • Wear Loose Clothing: Opt for loose, comfortable clothing to promote better circulation. Ayurveda and yoga also recommend wearing loose clothes made of natural fibers for better Prana flow.

See you next week 18th of August at 7.30PM Live on Instagram


a space together meet, connect, creat

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