Summer Seeds week 7 Mantra Singing

“Let’s connect with our inner space and elevate our energy through the powerful vibrations of mantra singing.

Mantra: Om Gan Ganapataye Namaha


  • Om: A sacred sound and spiritual symbol in Indian religions, representing the essence of the ultimate reality, consciousness, or Atman.
  • Gan: Refers to Ganesha, the Hindu deity known as the remover of obstacles and the god of beginnings.
  • Ganapataye: Another name for Ganesha, meaning “lord of the multitudes” or “leader of the Ganas” (Ganesha’s followers).
  • Namaha: A term used in mantras meaning “I bow to” or “I honor.”

Full Translation: “I bow to Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles. I seek blessings from the leader of the Ganas.”

Benefits of Chanting “Om Gan Ganapataye Namaha”:

  1. Removal of Obstacles: Ganesha is known as Vighnaharta, the remover of obstacles. Chanting this mantra helps to clear physical, mental, and emotional blocks in one’s life.
  2. Enhancement of Focus and Concentration: Regular chanting can improve focus, making it easier to concentrate on tasks and achieve goals.
  3. Spiritual Growth: This mantra connects the practitioner with Ganesha’s divine energy, promoting spiritual awakening and growth.
  4. Promotion of Wisdom and Knowledge: Ganesha is also the deity of intellect and wisdom. Chanting this mantra can enhance one’s understanding and decision-making abilities.
  5. Bringing Prosperity and Good Fortune: Ganesha is often invoked at the beginning of new ventures to bring success and prosperity.
  6. Calming the Mind: The rhythmic chanting of this mantra has a soothing effect on the mind, reducing stress and anxiety.
  7. Creating Positive Vibrations: The vibrational energy produced by chanting this mantra can create a positive and protective aura around the practitioner.
  8. Enhancing Creativity: By removing mental blocks, this mantra can help in enhancing creativity and innovation.



How to Chant:

  • Sit Comfortably
  • Set an Intention
  • Pronounce Clearly
  • Focus on the Sound and vibration
  • Repeat


Incorporating the Mantra into Practice:

  • Daily Ritual: Incorporate this mantra into your daily meditation or prayer practice to start your day with positive energy.
  • Before New Beginnings: Chant this mantra before starting new projects, journeys, or important tasks to invoke Ganesha’s blessings.
  • During Challenging Times: Use this mantra when facing obstacles or challenges to seek guidance and support from Ganesha.



By regularly chanting “Om Gan Ganapataye Namaha,” you can invite Ganesha’s energy into your life, helping to overcome obstacles, gain wisdom, and achieve success in your endeavors.

What is your Mantra ? The one you like to sing ?

How do you feel after chanting ‘Om Gan Ganapataye Namaha’?

What personal obstacles are you hoping to overcome through this mantra?



Creating a Sacred Space


Welcome to our guide on creating a sacred space for your mantra chanting practice or meditation time. Lets enhance your spiritual experience by providing a tranquil and focused environment. Here are some tips to set up a peaceful space that resonates with your spiritual journey.

  • Choosing a Quiet Location : Select a spot in your home where you are least likely to be disturbed. Reduce noise with earplugs or noise-canceling headphones if necessary.
  • Keep it simple with only essential items to avoid distractions.
  • Comfortable Seating Use a comfortable cushion or yoga mat to sit on. A chair is also an option if sitting on the floor is uncomfortable.
  • Setting the Mood with Lighting Practice in natural light if possible. Use soft, warm lighting like lamps or candles to create a calming atmosphere.
  • Incorporating Elements of Nature. Place indoor plants or fresh flowers in your space. Use items made from natural materials like wooden furniture or cotton fabrics.
  • Aromatherapy: Burn incense or use an essential oil diffuser with calming scents like lavender, sandalwood, or frankincense. Light scented candles for a soothing aroma.
  • Adding Inspirational Symbols: Create a small altar with symbols or statues of deities or spiritual figures. Hang or place images, paintings, or mandalas that resonate with your spiritual practice.
  • Embrace silence if you find it more conducive to your practice.
  • Incorporating Ritual Objects: Use mala beads to keep count of your chants. Include sacred items like crystals or meaningful trinkets that hold personal significance.
  • Personalising Your Space: Write down your intentions or affirmations and place them in your sacred space. Add items that bring you comfort and peace, such as a cozy blanket or a favorite cushion.

Creating a sacred space for your practice is about making a sanctuary that supports your journey towards inner peace and clarity. By personalising your space and incorporating elements that promote tranquility, you can enhance your practice and deepen your connection with the divine.

Get Started Today !

Ready to create your sacred space? Follow these tips and transform a corner of your home into a sanctuary of peace and spiritual growth. Share your experiences and sacred space setups with us.

Lets meet on 17 of Sept. at 19h30 on Zoom

A last seed together

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