Summer Seeds – Week 1 – Waking Up my Body & Articulations

Summer Seeds – Week 1 – Waking Up my Body & Articulations

Welcome in our first Summer Week together


I am pleased to open this space with you today and to begin, I would like to introduce you to one of my favorite practices: “Warming up my body and Articulation“.

I start my day with this routine, as well as every class I offer. Taking care of our body and starting the day with movement impacts our energy levels and overall well-being. Warming up our body is a precious conscious moment where I feel, sense, connect, and understand.

Join me on the mat for 20 minutes and bring a bit of movement to your morning, even if it’s just for 2-3 minutes. I look forward to hearing how it impacts your day, week, and body.


How this movement impact your week ?

What intentions did you set for your week ?

How do you start your day ?

Ayurveda & Joint Wellness


In Ayurveda, we connect joint wellbeing to the Vata dosha, which embodies the elements of Air and Ether. You might notice this connection if your joints are cracking or if you’re experiencing joint pain—these are often signs of Vata imbalance.

Our joints are linked to various tissues, including bones and the nervous system. To keep our joints healthy, we need to nourish them properly to ensure good lubrication. If your digestive system (Agni – fire in Ayurveda) is strong, you can nourish your joints well with a healthy diet. However, if your digestive fire is weak or if your joints are inflamed, you might have “Amas” (toxins) in your body. The first step would be to cleanse these toxins. Of course, this depends on your digestive fire and doshas, so don’t generalize from these few examples and explanations.

Here are a few easy steps that can make a difference:


  • Use Ghee: Cooking with ghee is excellent for body lubrication and is suitable for all doshas when consumed in balanced quantities. Ghee is clarified butter that you can easily make at home.
  • Add Turmeric and Greens: Incorporate turmeric and bitter green vegetables into your diet.
  • Drink Fresh Juices: A homemade juice of apple, carrot, fresh ginger, and turmeric can boost your energy levels and benefit your joints. For a touch of sweetness, use jaggery or dates.

These foods have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that support joint health.

Body Care:

  • Self-Care Practices: Try soothing treatments for joint pain, such as a homemade lepam (paste) and dry brushing to stimulate circulation and support joint health.
  • Lepam Recipe: Make a lepam with green clay and a drop of wintergreen essential oil. Apply it for 10-20 minutes to help reduce inflammation.

Remember to check with your doctor. These tips are meant to support your body and are not a substitute for medical care.


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