The 5th Mother Clan – Jamie Sams

The 5th Mother Clan – Jamie Sams

Listening Women the 5th Mother of the Clan

Listening Woman is Clan Mother of the fifth moon, May.
from Jamie Sams’ book:
She is the Mother of Tiyoweh (the stillness) and inner knowing.
Keeper of discernment and guardian of introspection
Interpreter of messages from the spirit world
Counsellor and advisor, keeper of hearing
She teaches us how to enter the stillness and hear our heart’s small, still voice within, how to find and understand the inner knowing we carry in our spiritual essences
She teaches us how to listen to the viewpoints and opinions of others and the voices of the ancestors
She teaches us how to understand body language and unspoken thoughts and hear with the heart


Below is a record reading part of this 5t h chapter
With Love, Care & Gratitude

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